"Trust me you are not alone" a note from Nina Marker
Source: elitemodel.it
Nina Marker, most wanted Danish model of the moment talks about how she suffered from depression and how she managed to overcome it. She also confesses that she has been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, a form of Autism at the age of 15 years old. The model shares her true and deep thoughts on Instagram, in order to encourage people to look out for help if needed and remind them that they are not alone.
“For years I caused myself so much pain by wanting to be what my ego told me I should be. Every day I fought myself because I didn’t feel right. I skipped school every day for a year, because the thought of going made me sick to my stomach. Being around people, even my classmates I’d known for years, filled me with fear. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I went to a child’s psychologist who told my parents that I was just “spoiled”. A few years later, at around 15 years old, I got depressed and wanted to kill myself. I played with the thought every fucking day. Every day at fucking fifteen years old I thought of how and when I should end my own life. I went to a psychiatrist with my mom, who diagnosed me with Asperger’s syndrome almost on the spot and saved my life by putting me on anti-depressants.
Today I’m the luckiest girl in the world. I wouldn’t change my life for anything, I am so grateful for every single person in my life and am filled with love by the thought of them, and heartbreak by the thought of ever hurting or leaving them.
I’m writing this because I know I am not alone. Boys and girls around the globe are living in constant darkness, children, who are living with something no one understands and they can’t explain. You are not alone. Trust me, you are never alone. You are just the way you are supposed to be. I know that life can seem tough, but trust me it is but a passing moment. The strength to go on is so fucking worth it. Please seek help if you need it, no one will judge you. And why does what someone else thinks of you matter more than your own experience? I love you. Read the Untethered Soul”.
In her Instagram stories instead, Nina leaves a little confession of her physical and mental condition and she briefly explains how she deals with Asperger throughout her modelling life.
Source: elitemodel.it
“I’ve had panic attacks while at work because of sensory overload, including wearing uncomfortable clothing, noise, bright lights, people touching me, sudden changes etc. Some designers have chosen not to work with me again because of my handicap :) Having Asperger and working in fashion is super fun most of the time, but also very demanding and scary. I don’t have an ordinary brain, people often forget (or don’t get informed about), which makes it hard for me to be at work sometimes. And equally hard for the people who book me and wonder why I’m freaking out or acting strange. Just because I “don’t look like I’m autistic” doesn’t mean that I’m not”.
If you are going through a hard time, and you are started to feel physically and mentally exasperated, do not be afraid to seek for help. Emotional support can be very useful during stressful and difficult times. Crying, screaming and sharing your frustrations with someone whether its a friend, a family member, or an expert can help you to release tension and stress as well as make you understand what things are not working properly in your life. Additionally, people who are close to you and therapists, can advise and recommend you the best solutions and strategies to take, in order to live your very best life again. Remember just as Nina said, you are not alone. We are all in this together.